Emily Steen is a senior at Lakota West High School. Her high school athletic career has consisted of soccer for two years, swimming for one year, and rugby for three years. Since Lakota West does not have a rugby team Emily had to find a different way to pursue the sport that she loves.
Although she does not attend Walnut Hills High School that is where she is able to be a part of a high school team. She is able to do this because it is the school that she is closest to that has rugby available as a high school sport. Within the three years that Emily has played rugby not only did she go to state her junior year but also made the all-state rugby in the fall of her senior year. Emily is committed to Army West Point for rugby and says “I am excited to continue my education and rugby career at West Point. I am looking forward to really challenging my abilities and leadership style all while following my family’s military heritage.”
With every up there is always going to be a down, everyone makes mistakes and that is okay. Emily chose to share this short story with us that happened during her swim season at Lakota West. “When I was swimming my junior year in a meet against Sycamore, I missed the wall when I was doing a flip turn and ended up losing the race. Although at the time I felt silly, looking back at it I laugh. Don’t be afraid to laugh at your mistakes and move forward.”
As for academics, Emily is a busy person, she manages her time by doing her homework at school during study hall and before she goes to practice. Emily says that she “finds balancing time and sleep to be really important.” She challenges herself academically just as much as she does athletically. Emily takes high-level courses and her favorite class this year is AP Literature.
If Emily wouldn’t try something new she wouldn’t be in the amazing place she is now. She leaves us with words of advice for incoming freshmen or anyone who wants to try something new. “Don’t be afraid to branch out and try other sports. Have your presence make a difference on your team.”