Life in Lakota
When talking about extracurricular activities, it’s very important to take into consideration the negatives and the positives of these activities. Although they can be a lot of fun, it’s essential to think about the time they require.
Time Spent
The spring musical for Lakota West is Hadestown! This famous Broadway musical, based on Greek mythology, focuses on two myths, Orpheus and Eurydice, Hades, and Persephone.
Now, the musical isn’t entirely accurate to the actual myths, but the character’s...
Why should you get involved?
Getting involved with your community, sports, clubs, and extracurricular activities is important. Volunteering to help your community is wonderful because you can make a difference in the world. Participating in sports...
Formation of the Hood
What the hood represents in America is a manifestation of a place of everything anti-American dream. Everything is ugly about America,, from baby mothers to drug addicts to drug dealers to gang members to the most violent criminals....
Lakota West holds exam exemptions for specific students of different grades. Some Lakota West teachers allow students to be exempted from their exams if they pass their classes. This occurs in all grades but depends on the teacher and the type of class...
Lakota’s finest journalists are currently rushing with great effort to put out as many articles and find exciting new ways for the average student to participate more in their school in these next couple days... But why? Why are so many people working...
Mental health is a state of mental well-being that allows people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. Mental health is important because it affects our everyday life,...
Exams and tests have been a source of stress for students as far as we can remember, and parents should know how to best help their children.
According to Reachout, an online site dedicated to mental health says that some of the tell-tale signs of...
Exams can put a lot of stress on students. However, to combat this, teachers prepare students by any means. This may include making students complete more homework than usual, completing study guides, or even requiring them to do some practice tests.
The Women In STEM club is a student-led club founded by sophomores Vaishnavi Ramu and Hana Stitt. Their advisor is Mrs. Hofferberth. It was started by the duo in their freshmen year around November. Though it wasn’t a big success last year, Vaishnavi...
As the accessibility of AI-powered chatbots rises, so does the amount of students who use it to cheat. The launch of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence chatbots has become a growing concern for many schools and teachers, as students turn in AI-generated...
It’s Turkey Time! Celebrating on November 27th, Thanksgiving is almost near! Besides the magnificent food and feasts, Thanksgiving is a time for fun with family and friends. There are so many ways to express gratitude to loved ones.
Hope &...
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