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The West Press

All content by Daisy Schaefer
Movie Review: Murder Mystery 2

Movie Review: Murder Mystery 2

Daisy Schaefer May 18, 2023

The long-awaited sequel of Murder Mystery has finally arrived, and here’s how it went. This movie was all over the place. It started off with the now full-time detectives, Nick and Audrey Spitz, struggling to keep their business afloat as a private...

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Cafeteria Chaos: The Lack of Organization in The Lakota West Lunchroom

Cafeteria Chaos: The Lack of Organization in The Lakota West Lunchroom

Daisy Schaefer November 17, 2022

The Lakota West lunchroom is cluttered and unorganized. People are leaving because they don’t have places to sit. Friends are separated and people are unhappy. There are separate rooms for different grades and groups of people, including the ANX-B and...

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