This week’s Crumbl Cookie menu consisted of Jimmy Fallon’s “Holiday Seasoning” candy cane brownie, Caramel toffee butter cake, holiday birthday cake, cookies & cream milkshake FT. mini Oreo, Honey Bun, and Milk chocolate chip. Me and my cousin Eli had a chance to buy them and review them. Walking into the store, I’m greeted with a nice smell of cookies baking in the oven, there is a sweet aroma in the air coming from Crumbl Cookie. Although to my delight the amazing smell, I was flabbergasted at the fact the line was almost out the door. I waited for about 20 minutes to get my cookies. I leave the store looking forward to reviewing the cookies with Eli.
Back home we immediately start to review. I interviewed him throughout the review. I ask a series of questions, such as, “What would you rate it out of 10?” “What’s your favorite,” and “What’s your least favorite?” He was very short with his answers. In my opinion, he had an interesting taste and opinion on the cookies. I started by asking him “Before we get to tasting the cookies what do you think will be your favorite and least favorite out of all of them” He said, “I think the brownie will be my favorite and the Honeybun will be my least favorite” I told him we are going to take one bite out of all of them and rate them one by one. We started with a honey bun and it tasted like a cinnamon cookie, “It’s very caramel-ly it’s only like a better version of a sugar cookie” Eli says. “What would you rate it” I ask him, “Probably like a 7 out of 10” he answers.
Moving on to the second cookie, the chocolate chip cookie. It was a very rich chocolate and creamy inside. In my opinion, the chocolate chip cookie is in the top 3 cookies of all time, I love them. I get it every time. “What would you rate it,” I ask him again, “an 8.5,” Eli says. “I give it a 10,” I said. Now the chocolate chip cookie is on the menu every single week because it’s the most neutral cookie of all time, everyone likes chocolate chip cookies. I am glad they made it like that because I buy one every week.
The third cookie was the Holiday birthday cake. This cookie had a whipped topping of birthday cake flavoring with sprinkles. This made the cookie taste exactly like birthday cake and the holiday season all in one bite. “What would you rate it” I said to Eli, “I’d give it a 9 out of 10,” he said. This cookie is very good but I feel like it would only work in the Christmas season, it’s decorative for Christmas as well, I just couldn’t see anyone eating this cookie in the summer.
The next cookie we tried was the cookies and cream milkshake. I again asked him the same questions, although this time Eli didn’t like this cookie, and he rated it a 3. This is one of my favorite cookies, it’s cold and has a thick filling of cookies and cream. It tastes exactly how it sounds. I’m not sure why Eli wasn’t a fan of it because everyone I know likes it. I love everything Oreo and cookies and cream. So seeing him not like this cookie was very disappointing and shocking to me.
The candy cane brownie was next up. Jimmy Fallon partnered with Crumbl to make a nice holiday treat that everyone would love. That is not the case, however. Me and Eli hated this brownie, normally I love brownies. This was a thick brownie with candy cane bits and pieces at the top with mint whipped cream at the top. It tasted like mint fudge and it was not good. I would not recommend that to anyone, If I was Crumbl I would never partner with him again. That “cookie” was trash.
After rating and trying all the cookies we each made a tier list from best to worst. Here is Eli’s list. “I would rate all the cookies combined a 7 out of 10, My favorite was the birthday cake then the chocolate chip, then the cookies and creme, honey bun, and then the brownie.” My list looked a little different, I put chocolate chips first, then cookies and cream, then birthday cake, honey bun, and then brownie. So with everything being tasted and rated we gave this week’s Crumbl cookie a 7 out of 10, the brownie ruined it. I’m excited to see what next week’s flavors are.