Chloe Driver is a 24-year-old woman who brutally stabbed her 13-month-old daughter Hannah to death. Police responded to the home of Chole on Dec 8, 2020, to find baby Hannah with stab wounds in an upstairs bedroom. The daughter was transported to the hospital where the baby succumbed to her injuries.
The emergency room doctor who tended to the baby’s injuries told the court during the trial that Hannah was “empty of blood” when they brought her in. A letter allegedly written by Driver revealed her confession about the murder. Chloe was married to a man who also had two other wives.
“He didn’t do it. I did it, I was going insane and no longer wanted to be with his friends but kept coming back for him. I only wanted my baby and husband but he refused.”
Months leading up to the murder Driver stated that she saw signs that convinced her that her husband and his other wives wanted to kill her and her baby. Chloe was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, borderline personality disorder, and cannabis use disorder.
The jury found 24-year-old Chloe Driver guilty, but mentally ill of murdering her 13-month-old baby. The charges included malice murder, felony murder, and cruelty to children in the first degree. Chloe Driver will be sentenced on December 12 but will be held in the custody of the Georgia Department of Corrections.