Dogs are lots of people’s favorite pets! They are cute, cuddly, and give us unconditional love. They are always so happy to see us when we come home and they are always so nice to us. They love us and will always be there!
Dogs are awesome and they deserve the unconditional love back! So here are some of the many ways to help your dog be happier and show them you love them!
Look Into Your Dog’s Eyes
When you look into your dog’s eyes it releases oxytocin which makes them happier. “When humans and dogs are interacting and looking into each other’s eyes, they both get more oxytocin,” said Larry Young, a professor of psychiatry. It builds a good connection with your dog and doing so can help strengthen your relationship as well as make them happier.
Talk to them in Baby Talk
Talking in a high-pitched voice makes dogs think we love them more. Dogs can understand our tone of voice so talking in a super high-pitched voice can create happiness for our sweet dogs.
Let Your Dog Cheer You Up
It means a lot to your dog if you are crying and they come over to comfort you and you let them. Even if you fake it dogs can understand that your emotions change so let them cheer you up Dogs are natural lovers so letting them help you will make them so happy.
Listen to Your Dog
If your dog needs space let them have their space. Dogs will show you in multiple ways they need space one of them being opening their mouth or licking you. While sometimes licking can be shown as affection it can also be a way to show you they need space. So when your dog shows you that sign give them some space.
Be Consistent!
Dogs do not understand time so being inconsistent can hurt them because they do not understand when you are going to come home or if you are leaving them. So keep things consistent create a routine and it will help them understand.