With Spring Break right around the corner, students are left to wonder what to do with their time. Here are a few things we have compiled for you to do over the next 7+ days of the year:
1 Go for a walk
2 workout
3 Clean your curtains
4 Clean your sheets
5 Sweep your room
6 Throw out old clothes
7 Dust your room
8 Buy some clothes
9 Tan
10 Hangout with your friends
11 Go for a late-night drive
12 make a new Spotify playlist
13 get a fun drink
14 Bake a dessert
15 Color a picture
16 Watch a movie
17 Watch the sunrise
18 Watch the sunset
19 Have a sleepover
20 Throw a party
21 Plant a flower
22 Feed a duck
23 watch an old Disney movie
24 Make a yummy meal
25 Do a photoshoot
26 Make a bird feeder
27 Have a picnic
28 Dress up and go out to dinner
29 Pick berries
30 Go fishing
31 Ride a bike
32 Binge-watch a show
33 Roast s’mores
34 paint your nails
35 Make a wind chime