Thriller books have always been my favorite genre since the authors put so much thought into creating a timeline, characters’ personalities, and a mystery to hook the reader. I always feel so connected to the plot lines and motives, but there has always been one thing that has bugged me: the ending chapters.
Thriller books are fictions that involve crime, mystery, horror and investigating storylines. That is why thrillers are so hard to write. The author must put enough passion into their words to make the readers want to continue reading while having a digestible plot line. However, to get to this goal of having an amazing, plot-twisting, cliff-hanging book, authors will write questionable storylines.
Towards the end of a book, authors will try to pull off a plot twist to shock readers, even if the plotline is unnecessary. Personally, this aggravates me. I understand trying to connect several characters and events, but stories need to stay consistent, even if consistency doesn’t provide the same shock value.
Even in crime TV shows, consistency is key. Shows like Riverdale and Pretty Little liars’ ratings and viewership got lower, which could be from their show’s fluctuating storylines. (Riverdale ratings & Pretty Little Liar)
Trying to gain excitement from the reader at the end of the book by having an unnecessary plot twist makes the reader negatively question the book as a whole. The best type of thriller books are the ones where all the events, characters, and motives allow the readers to understand who the killer is.
To make this quick, my problem with thriller books stems from the fact that I enjoy all of them until I reach the last chapters. Revealing a major secret in the end that changes nothing to the story shouldn’t be used to try and entertain the audience.