Like millions of high schoolers, I have been asking the same question for months now: Is the ACT/SAT required? This is because there is not a TEST OPTIONAL route. It simply means that the decision is up to you as to whether or not you want to send your test scores into a school. Although the answer may seem simple for some, there is a lot of information you should know before you decide to take the Test-Optional route. To further explain, if you feel like your test scores do not show an accurate reflection of your academic success, then you don’t have to submit them.
The Test-Optional policy was already being discussed in college admission offices around the country due to fears of the discriminatory factors in standardized testing. The final nail in the coffin came after a global pandemic and four months of canceled standardized tests. Today, the number of Test-Optional colleges is now over 1,000. By making this decision, colleges have allowed kids who don’t excel in tests taking the opportunity to apply to the school of their choice. This has also been a huge stress reliever for anyone who was unable to get in the ACT or SAT before the pandemic.
Although many colleges have now gone Test-Optional, that does not mean that you can still gain academic aid without submitting your test. If you wish to apply for any aid, they are going to make it mandatory that you submit a test because, currently, that is still how they figure out how to compare students. California is the only state that has begun to base scholarships off of your GPA and your college essay. There are lots of rumors that more states are going to shift that way, but for now, if you are interested in applying for an academic scholarship you need to take a test.
Overall, if you have had trouble taking an ACT or SAT there are plenty of options out there for you and do not panic because a lot of colleges are very understanding of the current situation.