The Student News Site of Lakota West High School

Ten Things to Do During Quarantine

May 11, 2020

In quarantine? No need to fret, The West Press has your back! We understand that you are trapped in your house, it can be boring, and you may feel like you have no freedoms, but we have some ideas to keep you occupied while we are on quarantine. 


  1. Spend Some Quality Time With Your Family

Hanging around with your family is always a great way to pass time. You can talk about real-life or make fun of each other. Also, you might even make connections you never thought you had.

  1. Play Board, Card, or Video Games

Playing games is a fun way to connect with your family and pass time. You might think that board games are stupid and you are too old for them but when you play with your family it can be really fun. You may even like the games, who knows!

  1. Bake or Cook

You need dinner and dessert so why not take some time to make it for your family? It’s a nice gesture and you will have fun making the food. You can pretend to be a chef or a baker, or even do both. You could have a competition out of it and see which family member can make the best dinner or dessert. There can even be a deal with your siblings or parents, you make the food, they wash the dishes, or whatever allows you to have the most fun!

  1. Clean Your Room

There is plenty of time now to spring clean. You can go through your drawers and your closets to get rid of or donate items and clean the clutter. You might find some things you forgot you had or maybe even some old pictures that spark great memories.

  1. Exercise

Exercise is a great stress reliever, which is greatly needed in these uncertain times. Staying active is also important for your physical health, as being forced to stay at home can cause overeating and lethargy. Get your blood pumping by going on a walk outside or researching free workout videos. 

  1. Read a Book, Write a Story or A Letter

Reading or writing is a great way to pass time. Within the captivating world of a new book time will fly by and your brain will grow. Writing and reading are great ways to exercise your mind while sitting around. Writing letters is so much more personal and meaningful than sending a text. With the post offices still being open, send an encouraging thoughtful letter to a friend or family member. 

  1. Get a Job at a Local Grocery Store

Crazy, right? Some people just can’t stand not working and with most teens jobs being closed down, helping at your local grocery store can get you some extra money. This does come with a risk, of course– make sure your parents are okay with it and stay safe.   

  1. Paint or Draw

Now, I know we aren’t all artists but drawing or painting can calm the uneasy mind. Regardless of whether or not you’re good at it, it can still be a good activity to pass some time. Who knows, maybe by the end of quarantine you’ll be a full-blown artist!

  1. Start a family garden 

Gardening can get you outside in the nice spring weather, along with getting you some exercise. In the fall when your fresh, home-grown produce is ready, you’ll reminisce on all your quarantine memories.  

  1. Have a prank war with your family

Since you have an abundant amount of time, a fun way to pass it is to have a prank war with your family. Use your time to plan and go through with a perfect prank. Your siblings or parents will have to respond with a prank just as good, unless of course they don’t stand a chance compared to your genius tomfoolery.

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