Student Spotlight: Tate Fishman

More stories from Jenna Shultz

Tate Fishman is a senior at Lakota West high school. He is a varsity basketball player, a Red Sea student-section leader, and also has a role in this year’s production of “Fiddler on the Roof.”

How long have you been playing basketball, and what’s your favorite thing about playing or the team?

“I’ve been playing basketball pretty much all my life, and my favorite part is bringing the energy on game days and making something special happen. We (the team) have great chemistry, so being with the guys is pretty great.” 

As it’s your first year in theater, what made you want to join it and what’s your favorite thing about it? 

“I’ve always wanted to do theater, but I never had the time to do it until this year. My favorite part so far has been meeting  many new people and finally getting results after a tough rehearsal.”

What is something people are surprised to find out about you?

“People are often surprised when they find out I wear a size thirteen shoe, I don’t know why it surprises them but it does.”

What are your plans after highschool?

“My plans after highschool is to attend Ohio State University.  I’m undecided on what I will study.”

What is one thing on your bucket list?

“To go to England.”

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

“Flight or levitation. It’d be super fun and I wouldn’t have to worry about traffic as much.”

And finally, what’s your favorite memory from high school?

“My favorite memory is singing the national anthem on my senior night. It was a very special moment for my family and me, and I’ll remember it forever.”